9-7   b1 9-6 工业品出厂价格分类指数
b2 Ex-factory Price Indices of Industrial Products
u1 (上年=100) (preceding year=100)
t1 Item 2006 2007 2008 2009
全部工业品 Total Industry Products 103.0 105.7 112.5 96.2
    生产资料     Means of Production 103.8 105.9 112.7 95.3
1         采掘工业         Mining & Quarrying Industry 111.7 107.6 117.1 98.4
1         原材料工业         Raw Materials Industry 103.0 105.1 109.9 94.5
1         加工工业         Manufacturing Industry 99.5 105.5 113.1 93.8
    生活资料     Consumer Goods 100.7 104.8 111.7 100.6
1         食品类         Food 101.4 106.0 115.3 101.7
1         衣着类         Clothing 101.2 102.1 102.9 100.0
1         一般日用品         Articles for Daily Uses 102.0 104.8 107.3 103.8
j1         耐用消费品         Durable Consumer Goods 90.9 98.6 95.1 92.0