9-4   b1 9-3 商品零售价格分类指数(2009) 
b2 Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities(2009)
u1 (上年=100) (preceding year=100)
t1 Item


商品零售价格指数 General Retail Price Index 99.5 99.4 99.6
1 食品 Food 101.4 101.7 100.7
2     粮食     Grain 106.7 107.8 104.9
3     淀粉     Starch  100.0 101.8 96.1
    干豆类及豆制品     Dry Beans and Bean Products 99.9 99.3 101.0
2     油脂     Oil or Fat 85.4 87.2 81.7
2     肉禽及制品     Meal, Poultry 93.0 92.2 94.4
        Eggs 102.2 102.2 102.1
2     水产品     Aquatic Products 97.2 97.3 97.1
2         Vegetables 113.3 113.7 112.4
    调味品     Condiments 101.8 101.8 101.8
2         Sugar 100.7 100.8 100.5
2     干鲜瓜果     Dried and fresh Fruits 107.3 109.1 103.5
    糕点饼干面包     Cake, Biscuits and Bread 101.7 101.7 101.7
    液体乳及乳制品     Mike and Its Products 101.2 101.3 100.9
    在外用膳食品     Out-of-home Food 102.2 101.8 103.2
2     其他食品     Other Food 101.3 100.8 102.9
1 饮料烟酒 Beverages, Tobacco and Liquor 100.8 100.9 100.5
2     茶及饮料     Tea and Beverages 101.1 100.7 101.7
2     烟草     Tobacco 100.0 100.1 99.8
        Liquor 101.5 101.9 100.9
1 服装鞋帽 Garments, Shoes and Hats 99.4 99.3 99.6
2     服装     Garments 99.7 99.6 99.8
2     鞋袜帽     Shoes, Sock and Cap 98.7 98.5 99.3
    其他     Others 99.0 99.4 98.0
1 纺织品 Textiled 98.8 99.0 98.5
2     衣着材料     Material of Cloth 99.8 100.0 99.5
2     床上用品     Bedding 97.9 98.2 97.3
家用电器及音像器材 Household Appliances 94.0 92.9 96.2
文化办公用品 Cultural and Office Goods 97.0 96.2 99.2
日用品 Articles for Daily Use 100.3 100.0 100.9
体育娱乐用品 Sports Entertainment Goods 99.7 99.4 100.1
交通通信用品 Transportation and communication 93.4 92.6 95.1
     Furniture 99.3 99.1 99.8
化妆品 Cosmetics 101.3 101.2 101.5
金银珠宝 Jewelry 91.6 90.5 94.2
中西药品及医疗保健用品 Traditional Chinese and
Western Medicines
101.1 101.1 101.0
    医疗器具及用品     Medical Appliances and Articles 102.2 103.1 100.4
    中药材及中成药     Traditional Chinese Medicine 102.8 103.1 102.1
    西药     Western Medicines 100.0 99.9 100.4
    保健品及器具     Health Care Appliances and Articles 100.0 99.9 100.1
书报杂志及电子出版物 Newspapers,Magazines and
Electronic Publications
101.7 102.0 100.9
燃料 Fuels 100.5 100.7 99.8
j1 建筑材料及五金电料 Building Materials and Hardwares 100.2 100.3 100.1