7-6   b1 7-8 续表 continued
u1 单位:万吨标准煤 (10 000 tons of SCE)
t1 Sector 2008 2009
 文教体育用品制造业 Manufacture of Articles For Culture, Education and Sport Activities
 石油加工炼焦及核燃料  Processing of Petroleum, Coking, Processing of Nuclear Fuel 376.95 357.66
 化学原料及化学制品制造 Manufacture of Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 1061.80 1207.31
 医药制造业  Manufacture of Medicines 54.13 57.48
 化学纤维制造业 Manufacture of Chemical Fibres
 橡胶制品业 Manufacture of Rubber 0.60 0.36
 塑料制品业 Manufacture of Plastics 54.73 51.69
 非金属矿物制品业 Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products 436.43 487.55
 黑色金属冶炼及压延 Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 1806.12 1947.24
 有色金属冶炼及压延  Smelting and Pressing of Non-ferrous Metals 537.78 574.77
 金属制品业 Manufacture of Metal Products 6.41 8.21
 通用设备制造业 Manufacture of General Purpose Machinery 14.21 16.43
 专用设备制造业 Manufacture of Special Purpose Machinery 33.10 30.99
 交通运输设备制造业 Manufacture of  Transport Equipment 5.87 5.94
 电气机械及器材制造业 Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Equipment 2.49 2.22
 通信设备、计算机及其他 Manufacture of Communication Equipment,
Computers and  Other  Electronic Equipment
1.36 1.35
 仪器仪表及文化、办公用 Manufacture of Measuring Instruments and
Machinery for Cultural Activity and Office Work
0.01 0.01
 工艺品及其他制造业 Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacturing 1.52 1.45
 废弃资源和废旧材料回收  Recycling  and Disposal of Waste 0.90 0.87
电力、煤气及水的生产 Electric Power, Gas and Water Production and Supply 4018.11 4226.79
 电力、热力的生产和供应 Production and Supply of Electric Power and Heat Power 4008.19 4205.96
 燃气生产和供应业 Production and Supply of Gas 5.60 15.75
j  水的生产和供应业 Production and Supply of  Water 4.31 5.09