7-1   b1 7-1 能源生产总量及构成
b2 Total Production of Energy and Its Composition
Total Energy Production
(10 000 tons of SCE)
占能源生产总量的比重(%)As Percentage of Total Energy Production(%)

Crude Oil
Natural Gas

1978 1070.63 99.83 0.17
1980 1078.94 99.81 0.19
1985 2027.75 99.99 0.19
1986 2007.72 99.85 0.15
1987 2092.12 99.82 0.18
1988 2252.60 99.88 0.12
1989 2688.70 99.90 0.10
1990 2821.61 99.81 0.19
1991 3069.14 99.81 0.19
1992 3221.65 95.43 0.13
1993 3647.44 94.05 3.96 0.04
1994 3994.00 94.27 5.69 0.05
1995 4642.02 94.55 5.41 0.03
1996 4767.47 95.48 4.49 0.03
1997 5354.63 96.46 3.53 0.03
1998 5019.91 96.28 3.66 0.06
1999 4566.42 96.34 3.59 0.05
2000 4701.23 95.90 2.75 0.12
2001 6047.84 96.40 2.01 1.41 0.13
2002 8428.61 97.21 1.40 1.22 0.10
2003 10814.13 97.14 1.22 1.30 0.29
2004 15586.70 97.32 1.04 1.34 0.23
2005 19082.33 95.86 1.10 2.69 0.27
2006 22298.37 95.33 1.10 3.17 0.09
2007 26725.88 94.71 0.89 3.51 0.18
2008 33440.86 94.52 0.75 4.00 0.01
2009 40185.85 92.87 0.67 4.84 0.12
wz1 注:电力折算标准煤的系数根据当年平均发电煤耗计算
jz2 a) The coefficient for conversion of electric power into SCE(standard coal equivalent)is calculated on the basic of the data on the average
     coal consumption in generating electric power in the same year.