25-1 b1 24-2 内蒙古自治区国民经济主要指标占全国的比重(2009)
b2 Inner Mongolia Main Indicators of National Economy
as Percentage of Whole Nation(2009)
t1 Item 全国


土地面积(万平方公里) Land Area(10 000 sq.km) 960.0 118.3 12.3
年末总人口数(万人) Population at the Year-end(10 000 persons) 133474.0 2422.1 1.8
社会就业人员(万人) Employment(10 000 persons) 77995.0 1142.0 1.5
生产总值(当年价)(亿元) Gross Domestic Product(current pirces)
(100 million yuan)
335353.0 9740.3 2.7
    第一产业     Primary Industry 35477.0 929.6 2.6
    第二产业     Secondray industry 156957.9 5114.0 2.9
        # 工业         Industry 134624.5 4503.3 2.9
   第三产业     Tertiary Industry 142918.0 3696.7 2.5
规模以上工业企业单位数() Number of Industry above
Designated Size (unit)
422588 4210 1.0
规模以上工业利润总额(亿元) Total Profits of Industry(100 million yuan) 25890.8 812.0 3.1
能源生产总量(万吨标准煤) Total Production of Energy(10000 tons of SCE) 275000.0 40185.9 14.6
能源消费总量(万吨标准煤) Total Consumption of Energy(10000 tons of SCE) 306600.0 17473.7 5.7
Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry,
Animal Husbandry & Fishery
(current prices)(100 million yuan)
60361.0 1570.6 2.6
    农业     Farming 30611.1 731.9 2.4
    林业     Forestry 2359.4 78.2 3.3
    牧业     Animal Husbandry 19468.4 721.4 3.7
    渔业     Fishery 5626.4 12.7 0.2
工农业主要产品产量 Output of Major Farm & Industrial Products  
    粗钢(万吨)     Steel(10 000 tons) 56803.3 1261.9 2.2
    原煤(亿吨)     Coal( 100 million tons) 29.73 6.00 20.2
    发电量(亿千瓦小时)     Electricity(10 000 million Kwh) 37146.5 2242.4 6.0
    汽车(万辆)     Motor Vehicles(10 000 vehicles) 1379.5 3.3 0.2
    粮食(万吨)     Grain(10 000 ton) 53082.1 1981.7 3.7
    油料(万吨)     Oil-bearing Crops(10 000 tons) 3154.3 119.6 3.8
货物运输总量(亿吨) Total Freight Traffic(100 milion tons) 278.80 11.7 4.2
客运总量(亿人次) Total Passenger Traffic(100 million Person-times) 297.70 2.3 0.8
邮电业务总量(亿元) Total Business Revenue of Postal & Teleco-
mmunication Services(100 million yuan)
27313.0 554.2 2.0
Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
(100 million yuan)
125343.0 2855.3 2.3
海关进出口总额(亿美元) Total Imports and Exports(USD 100 million) 22072.0 67.6 0.3
Total Investment in Fixed Assets
(100 million yuan)
224846.0 7464.7 3.3
    # 城镇 Urban 194139.0 7270.2 3.7
       农村牧区 Rural 30707.0 194.5 0.6
       房地产开发     Real Estate Development 36232.0 815.5 2.3
地方财政收入(亿元) Local Financial Revenue(100 million yuan) 32580.7 1378.1 4.2
j 年末城乡居民储蓄余额
Year-end Saving Deposits of Urban &
Rural Residents(100 million yuan)
264761.0 3914.0 1.5