22-7   b1 22-7 各盟市登记注册类型年末职工人数(2009)
b2 Number of Staff and Workers at Year-end by
Status of Registration and by Region(2009)
u1 单位:人 (person)
t1 Region    

Urban Collective-
owned Units
Units of Other Types
of  Ownership
呼和浩特市 Hohhot City 298707 207027 9845 81835
Baotou City 320631 125493 24919 170219
呼伦贝尔市 Hulunbeier City 271952 202226 4929 64797
Xingan League 109032 88824 4185 16023
Tongliao City 233720 182681 9613 41426
Chifeng City 298551 194009 10898 93644
锡林郭勒盟 Xilinguole League 109091 79415 3227 26449
乌兰察布市 Wulanchabu City 137830 103695 3569 30566
鄂尔多斯市 Erdos City 156903 104119 3519 49265
巴彦淖尔市 Bayannaoer City 147522 102709 4947 39866
Wuhai City 104543 53315 172 51056
阿拉善盟 Alashan League 44530 26271 501 17758
j 直报单位 Units of Direct Reporting 184744 174578 10087 79