22-47   b1 22-47 各盟市羊和猪年中数(2009)
b2 Number of Sheep, Goats and Hogs at the Middle of Year by Region(2009)
u1 单位:万只()     (10 000 heads)
t1 Region
Sheep and


呼和浩特市 Hohhot City 230.56 178.75 51.81 39.95
Baotou City 266.26 185.14 81.12 43.22
呼伦贝尔市 Hulunbeier City 1266.81 1058.31 208.5 120.17
Xingan League 570.12 324.74 245.38 156.52
Tongliao City 923.15 419.08 504.07 408.44
Chifeng City 1246.4 765.03 481.38 263.59
锡林郭勒盟 Xilinguole League 1152.08 894.51 257.57 7.58
乌兰察布市 Wulanchabu City 657.7 599.3 58.39 87.03
鄂尔多斯市 Erdos City 1193.15 487.22 705.93 71.64
巴彦淖尔市 Bayannaoer City 834.81 591.17 243.65 56.87
Wuhai City 10.48 3.04 7.44 4.53
j 阿拉善盟 Alashan League 160.64 46.24 114.4 2.2