22-30 续表 b1 22-30 续表 continued
u1 单位:万元   (10 000 yuan)
t1 Region        
t2      #社会保障和就业
Social Security
and Employment
# 教育支出
for Education
    # 农林水事务
Expenses of Agriculture,
Forestry and Water 
呼和浩特市 Hohhot City 181857 56567 221858 176022
Baotou City 357417 50586 239935 129151
呼伦贝尔市 Hulunbeier City 334421 68443 240175 196727
Xingan League 128419 54257 111162 167102
Tongliao City 206777 81494 239650 234653
Chifeng City 245110 138667 387431 267331
锡林郭勒盟 Xilinguole League 135348 76781 113703 132754
乌兰察布市 Wulanchabu City 229395 123534 157867 159105
鄂尔多斯市 Erdos City 215491 106149 268642 304220
巴彦淖尔市 Bayannaoer City 159414 69530 133512 188100
Wuhai City 105546 19089 52989 31478
j 阿拉善盟 Alashan League 29201 34434 42479 63855