22-16   b1 22-16 各盟市按建设性质分的城镇固定资产投资(2009)
b2 Investment in Capital Construction in Urban Area by Type of
Construction and by Region(2009)
u1 单位:万元 (10 000 yuan)
t1 Region
t2 #
New Construction
呼和浩特市 Hohhot City 5995821 2631736 2242244 345771
Baotou City 13289253 8846546 1053656 2889444
呼伦贝尔市 Hulunbeier City 4570094 3824780 369573 272621
Xingan League 1611354 1289670 43058 184943
Tongliao City 4991690 2875124 636398 1088833
Chifeng City 5651659 4318528 999237 243301
锡林郭勒盟 Xilinguole League 4994305 3843582 933964 158228
乌兰察布市 Wulanchabu City 2004481 1450226 209253 321597
鄂尔多斯市 Erdos City 13048042 11729982 1021531 287215
巴彦淖尔市 Bayannaoer City 4810633 2531876 924665 1270446
Wuhai City 1581108 957993 367656 238214
阿拉善盟 Alashan League 1231698 825344 214357 189570
wz1 :本表不含房地产开发投资。
jz2 a)Data in this tabale indude real estate development.