22-15   b1 22-15 各盟市城乡划分全社会固定资产投资(2009)
b2 Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Channel of
Management and by Region(2009)
u1 单位:万元   (10 000 yuan)
t1 Region
城镇 Urban     农村 Rural
t2   #房地产开发  
Real Estate Development
呼和浩特市 Hohhot City 7802428 7778730 1782909 23698
Baotou City 14752586 14693569 1404316 59017
呼伦贝尔市 Hulunbeier City 4993837 4993836 423742 1
Xingan League 1806317 1766185 154831 40132
Tongliao City 5438970 5196988 205298 241982
Chifeng City 6458494 6197397 545738 261097
锡林郭勒盟 Xilinguole League 5363094 5357554 363249 5540
乌兰察布市 Wulanchabu City 2306588 2240687 236206 65901
鄂尔多斯市 Erdos City 15454140 15242474 2194432 211666
巴彦淖尔市 Bayannaoer City 5511793 5320114 509481 191679
Wuhai City 1811623 1811623 230515   
阿拉善盟 Alashan League 1338488 1335543 103845 2945
wz1 注:农村未包括农户投资。
jz2 a)Investment in Fixed Assets of Rural don't included investment of Rural Households.