21-4   b1 21-4
b2 Basic Statistics of Public Health
t1 Item 2008 2009
卫生机构() Health Institutions(unit) 7423 7919
1     # 医院、卫生院     Hospitals 1799 1803
2            县及县以上医院         Hospitals at County and Higher Levels 471 471
2            乡镇卫生院         Health Center at Town 1324 1327
2        疗养院、所     Sanatoriums 6 6
2        门诊部     Clinics 72 66
       社区卫生服务中心(站)     Health Service Center for Community  690 873
2        妇幼保健所、站     Maternity and Child Care Centers 115 116
       疾病预防控制机构     CDC(Center for Disease Control) 137 133
1 床位() Beds(unit) 81407 87321
2     # 医院、卫生院     Hospitals 73205 77702
2           县及县以上医院         Hospitals at County and Higher Levels 58754 62103
          乡镇卫生院         Health Center at Town 14400 15568
1        疗养院、所     Sanatoriums 670 910
3 职工人数() Persons Engaged in Health Institution(person) 131879 139488
3       # 卫生技术人员     Medical Technical Personnel 110042 117197
3              # 执业医师         Permitted Doctors 41990 43964
2                 助理执业医师         Assistant  Permitted Doctors 7816 7983
3                 注册护师、护士         Registered Senior and Junior Nurses 31652 34895
3                 药剂人员         Pharmacists 7799 8507
3                 检验人员         Laboratory Technical 6304 6684
3         其他技术人员     Other Technical  Personnel 5438 5681
3         管理人员     Managerical Personnel 6714 7284
j         工勤人员     Logistics Workers 9339 9326