14-2   b1 14-2 建筑业企业主要经济指标
b2 Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprices
t1 Item 2008 2009
建筑业企业个数() Number of Construction Enterprises(unit) 790 820
签订的合同额(万元) Value of Contracts(10 000 yuan) 10289928 13386295
建筑业总产值(万元) Gross Output Value(10 000 yuan) 7800495 9647255
          其中:装饰装修产值     Output of Decoration 151807 162022
1          其中:在外省完成的产值     Output Value Outside the Province 673579 662446
竣工产值(万元) Output of Buildings Completed(10 000 yuan) 5653905 6675016
房屋建筑施工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of  Constructing(10 000 sq.m) 5277.39 5823.4
1 房屋建筑竣工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Completed(10 000 sq.m) 3238.71 3140.56
1 房屋建筑面积竣工率(%) Rate of Floor Space of Buildings Completed(%) 61.4 53.9
1 自有机械设备净价(万元) Machinery & Equipment Owned
(net valued)(10 000 yuan)
407141 430525
自有机械设备台数(万台) Machinery and Equipment Owned(10 000 set) 11.72 8.83
1 自有机械设备总功率(万千瓦) Total Power of Machinery
and Equipment Owned(10 000 kw)
235.5 200.76
1 技术装备率(/) Value of Machines per Laborer(yuan/person) 9512 8629
动力装备率(千瓦/) Power of Machines per Laborer(kw/person) 5.5 4.02
Overall Labor Productivity
 by Gross Output Value(yuan/person)
112223 128869
年末从业人员(万人) Number of Persons Engaged(10 000 persons) 42.8 49.89
      其中:工程技术人员     Engineering Techinal Personel 5.78 5.93
     其中:一级建造师     First Construction Engineer 0.28 0.31
利润总额(万元) Total Profits(10 000 yuan) 534731 743906
1 税金总额(万元) Total Tax(10 000 yuan) 357633 355929
1 产值利润率(%) Ratio of Profit to Gross Output Value(%) 6.9 7.7
j 产值利税率(%) Ratio of Pre-tax Profit to Gross Output Value(%) 4.6 3.7