12-28   b1 12-29
b2 Output of Major Livestock and Poultry
t1 Item 2008 2009
当年出栏肉猪头数(万头) Annual Number of Sold Fatten Hogs (10 000head) 856.39 883.01
当年出栏和自宰的肉用牛(万头) Annual Number of Sold and Killed Meat Cattles (10 000head) 277.35 294.49
当年出售和自宰的肉用羊(万只) Annual Numberof Sold and Killed Mutton Goats
and Sheep (10 000head)
5020.78 5339.2
当年肉类总产量() Annual Output of Meat (ton) 2193745 2340613
    # 猪肉产量()     Pork (ton) 680012 686220
1        牛肉产量()     Beef (ton) 446052 474472
1        羊肉产量()     Mutton (ton) 813859 882319
奶类产品() Milks (ton) 9439247 9340665
1     # ()     Cow Millk (ton) 9349282 9031202
山羊毛产量() Goat Wool (ton) 9790 18455
绵羊毛产量() Sheep Wool (ton) 96385 102027
山羊绒产量() Cashmere (ton) 7642 7375
蜂蜜产量() Honey (ton) 4558 4522
禽蛋产量() Poultry Eggs (ton) 451377 489420
年末实有家禽(万只) Number of Poultry at Yearend (10 000 heads) 5197.4 4334.5
年内牛皮产量(万张) Annual Output of Cattle Skin (10 000unit) 271.01 313.07
绵羊皮产量(万张) Output of Sheep Skin (10 000unit) 3637.85 3845.95
山羊皮产量(万张) Output of Goat Skin (10 000unit) 1281.66 1415.72
驼绒产量() Output of Fine Hair of Camel (ton) 378.00 423.00
出售肉类总量() Products of Sold Meat (ton) 1920437 2084372
1   # 出售猪肉()     Pork (ton) 534540 573349
2      出售牛肉()     Beef (ton) 400901 439267
2      出售羊肉()     Mutton (ton) 721951 780979
出售牛羊奶数量() Products of Sold Milk (ton) 8602984 8003356
出售羊毛数量() Products of Sold Wool of Sheep and Goats (ton) 92122 94275
出售家禽只数(万只) Number of Sold Poultry (10 000 heads) 7966.89 8594.7
j () Aquatic Products (ton) 98212 105979