10-3 续表   b1 10-3 续表 continued
t1 Item 2000 2005 2009
调查户数() Number of Households Surveyed
2300 2420 2350
平均每户家庭人口() Average Household Size(person) 3.08 3.00 2.83
平均每户就业人口() Average Number of Employed Persons
per Household(person)
1.61 1.57 1.46
平均每户就业面(%) Percentage of Employment per
52.2 52.3 51.6
Number of Persons Supported by
Each Employee including the
employee himself or herself(person)
1.92 1.91 1.94
平均每人全部年收入() Per Capita Annual Income(yuan) 5151 9565 16951.4
    # 可支配收入     Disposable Income 5129 9137 15849.2
    薪水     Salary 6669 11267
        国有单位职工工资         Wages of Staff & Workers in State owned Units 2909
        Wages of Staff and Workers in
        Collective-owned Units and Units
        of Other Type of Ownership
        职工从工作单位得到的其他收入         Other Income of Staff and
        from Their Working Units
    个体经营者净收入     Income of Individuals 495 858 1737.04
    被聘用或留用的离退休人员收入     Income of Re employed Retirees 93
    其他就业者收入     Income of Other Employees 13
    其他劳动收入     Part time Income 187 979
    财产性收入     Property Income 59 161 364
    转移性收入     Transfer Income 1110 1877 3583
    其他收入     Other Income
平均每人消费性支出() Per Capita Annual Living Expenditures
for Consumption(yuan)
3928 6929 12370
    #     Food 1353 2178 3773
           Clothing 561 1048 1857
       家庭设备用品及服务     Household Facilities, Articles and Service 289 394 798
       医疗保健     Medicine and Medical Service 287 533 993
       交通通讯     Transportation and Communications 359 756 1557
       娱乐教育文化服务     Recreation, Education & Cultural Service 488 969 1504
           Residence 339 723 1246
j        杂项商品与服务     Miscellaneous Commodities and Services 252 328 642