10-21   b1 10-21 农民家庭平均每人主要消费品消费量
b2 Per Capita Consumption of Major Consumer Goods in Households of Peasants
t1 Item 2008 2009
(公斤) Grain(kg) 201.64 193.62
(公斤) Fresh Vegetables(kg) 83.60 73.53
(公斤) Edible Oil(kg) 4.10 4.29
猪牛羊肉(公斤) Pork, Beef and Mutton(kg) 20.35 26.47
(公斤) Poultry(kg) 2.81 2.96
蛋及制品(公斤) Eggs and Related Products(kg) 6.45 5.86
(公斤) Fish and Shrimp(kg) 2.03 2.23
(公斤) Sugar(kg) 0.95 1.00
j (公斤) Liquor(kg) 15.09 14.90